One. Two. Three. FOUR!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wow here we are at month four!

Let's see she is doing more now! Her latest & greatest, learning to laugh! Boy after so much crying it sure is contagious... I can't help laugh because she laughs... and she laughs at me laughing!! Too cute! She is also getting better using those stub that grew out of her upper body called arms & hands!! She reaches to play with toys. She loves her "Moo Moo" just seeing him brings a smile to her face!! (and mine!)

Shortly after the last post she did her "big roll" from her tummy to her back.... she rolled over a few times that day. Now nothing! Go figure! She hates being on her tummy so what more does mommy want I did it once!!

Pretty Baby [3 1 /2 mos]

Aryonna's still sleeps in her swing most nights. She did stop sleeping threw the nights due to a recent growth spurt. She is back to sleeping threw the night (most nights)... Some nights she will wake up at 4:00 am wanting to hang out and play.... silly girl!!

We have had some hot days here... and she does NOT like the heat one bit. It looks like it will be a rough Summer.

My Ary Berry! [3 1 /2 mos]

Ary still likes bath time... loves getting diaper changed... don't care too much for the car rides, like really what is mom thinking that will make me fall asleep!? I don't think so!!

She likes children. She loves Caleb & Myah!! Myah can get her smiling like crazy.... they for sure have a sister bond already!!

My Girls! [3 1 /2 mos]

We have her Acid Reflux under control now! We did however have to double the does though... but all is good now! She still is seeing the specialist because some of the lab work we had done came back abnormal. The cardiologist doesn't need to see her anymore though. Her heart murmur seems to be a normal healthy murmur

We have introduce her to a few new things... her exersaucer. She loves standing up. And it allows her some fun play time with her siblings! Her first non-milk taste!! What flavor you ask!? Applesauce! She ate a few baby spoon fulls and got it down to her tummy. It was sour to her though and she wasn't quite sure if she enjoyed the new different texture. She did good excepts her belly didn't quite agree with her quite yet. She was constipated from it. So we will wait a few weeks and try again!!

Speaking of introducing she has meet many more relatives at this point! Now there are only a few still missing!! (**cough** Aunt Dana!)

3 Months Old REALLY!?!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Aryonna is a whole 3 months old now! This time is FLYING by! Alot happened this month... She got sick, stayed several days in the hospital, been to a bunch of doctor appointments and still nothing. She is doing alot better with her acid reflux on this new medication. So David and I decided we are throwing in the towel and tell doctors we are done with the test unless she turns for the worse!

She is able to move from side-to-side on her back (no rolling yet) and she can ALMOST roll back over when she's on her tummy... that darn arm gets in the way!!

Aryonna is making mommy very happy since recently she began sleeping threw the night... well a good long chunk of the night (most nights). She sleeps in her swing still. But I see that changing soon since she don't mind laying on her back now!!

I don't think she will get a tooth soon but she is definitely teething. She loves shewing on her fist and she drools like crazy.

Her eyes are still very blue and beautiful as every. And we all love her smile... she's back to giving it to us often!!

She has taken up with Daddy lately! They got off to a rough start but are making up for lost times now!! Could it be because they look a bit too much alike!?

She love having us move her by making her dance, play pat-a-cake, or run-run-run! She is a music lover and has her favorite songs that she enjoys at high volumes! Odd.

She is extremely bubbly in the morning!! She likes getting her diaper changed and never complains about a good bath. She LOVES kids! Her whole face lights up when she sees them. When she sees Myah playing she wants to get down and play with her so bad. Her bubba Caleb is able to hold her while he stands up. She loves him!

We are looking forward to her 1st Easter!!

I can't believe this is already the 3rd month!!

EDIT: Oh and I forgot one big thing I forgot to add was after almost 3 lonngg months she finally got to meet some more of her relatives! She met her Grandma Grace, Mammo, and Aunt Bonnie! Wahoo!!

Listen Up

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here is a funny little video that Myah did! LOL (Caleb & Aryonna also have one but I'm just posting 1 at a time)

Listen to Myah's below!!

My Rainbow Week (Eventful)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

If you told me last year - next year at this time you will have a 2 month old daughter (I wouldn't have believed you).... If you told me that same daughter and I would be confined to room at Rainbows Babies & Children's Hospital for 5 days for a possible Spinal Menigidus case, I would have really (Ahahahaha) laughed at you!!

Before the hospital!!

Unfortunately, that is were Aryonna and I stayed for 5 days. Thursday was our last normal day. Friday she woke up OK. She got fussy that afternoon. Didn't think much of it since she has acid reflux and just got her 2 month old shots. I was up ALL night with her walking back & fourth (David joked I looked like Scott) her ALL night. I remember letting David sleep and telling him he will have to return the favor in the morning. So here it was Saturday morning she fell asleep... so I joined her!

At 3:00 pm we woke up... She was SCREAMING and HUNGRY as hell but wouldn't eat. I wiped a puddle full of tears that felled eyes and I figured it was an ear infection... And decided to take her to Urgent Care for an antibotic or something! I've had ear infections before so I wanted to get her relieve ASAP! So I didn't even bother getting ready, just got dressed and left!

Several hours later, I had to make a phone call to David. Try to make a phone call to a father sitting at home with the kids waiting for you to come back any minute and tell him to come pick up the carseat & stroller because we will be rushed to Rainbows Hospital vis ambulance. Yeah, no nice way of putting it!!

She has became dehydrated so bad & fast that she didn't have anymore tears. Yeah at home she had a ton of them. I was wiping them away! Her body was starting to shut down things like kidneys. We got to Rainbow's and was taken directly to Intensive Care. Everyone rushed around her and started doing stuff. Each one had a job to do and had been waiting for us. It was just like you seen on TV. Except this was real life and this was MY LITTLE GIRL!! And this all happened so FAST... This was supposed to be something simple like an ear infection!! WTH?!

After a short time a few doctors confronted us and told us we would need to authorize them to do a spinal tap on her. WHAT! That's a bit much... they wanted to check her for MANY different infections and start treatment. Apparently she had some symptoms of Spinal Menigidus. And if left untreated our little girl would get up deaf at the very least, brain dead or even die. I was so upset and unhappy I could not even sign the paper, David had to do it! We had to make sure the resident (doctor that is training) would sit this one out. We little girl and know how serious a spinal tap is. We had Caleb with us so we were sent to the waiting room, while the tried to do the spinal tap. It sucked because it was late at night (dark) and we could see out the waiting room window into her room window. Toward the end I could see them all smiling... Later on, I realized it was probably because 5 grown-ups could not hold down one little bitty baby long enough to poke her back. They started her on antibiotic to treat it and said they would try again in the morning with completely different crew and put her to sleep while they do it. We had to stay in there until the 48 hour results came back negative.

The room! Ary was in her crib bed. The cleaning lady gave me my favorite colored bear!

48 hours later...
The FIRST vile showed more blood cells (but still normal) so they wanted to keep us until the 72 hour results were back, even though her last antibiotic was the night before. Which mad me extremely mad. I got absolutely NO sleep while we were there. Aryonna was hooked up to all these wires and tubes. It was hard to pick her up. It was hard to change her diapers. And it was extremely hard to breastfeed her! It was hard as hell being a mother and seeing my little baby with so many tubes, wires, and machines hooked her to her itty bitty baby, it hurt the heart!

To make things even tougher, nobody was alot to come see us, except those who lived with us and who was already exposed to her. We could not leave the room without her. Doctors and nurses were mask in the room for the first few days. And to top in all off I had to stay there all ALONE for 99% of the time because Myah got sick and David had to stay home with her. Nobody could watch her since she had gotten REALLY sick. David kept running stuff out to me everyday but he could never stay long enough to feel the void. Just long enough to give me a Mt Dew (something the hospital had NONE of) a kiss and then leave. The day before we left I made him bring Myah in and talk to the doctor about getting us home sooner after my failed attempt. We couldn't just walk out with her we had to be buzzed both in and out! Or we would have just walked out with her!!

My sicky St. Patties Day baby! The nurse have mommy green hospital socks to match me!
The green rainbow!

We spent St. Patric's Day in there. David surprised us by bring her the green t-shirt I bought for her to were before she got sick! It made me happy and sad!!! I was happy he remembered I bought it (when I didn't) and thought to let her were a fun shirt instead of a boring white hospital one. I was sad because that meant we would be there a whole another day!! Thankfully the next morning I was able to take it off her and go home!!

We had a "Team" of doctors. Like seriously 10 of them would come and talk to me and there was a hole other team besides them. The infectious disease team. I never thought she had Menigidus. And it was proven she didn't. The whole stay was to pretty much just to eliminate that as a possibility. We ended up leaving not even knowing for sure what the cause was. I know in my heart it was that damn Rotavirus vaccine she got on Tuesday. NEVER AGAIN will she get that!! They said they tested her for other stuff too but the results were not back yet. And they would not call us for any of the results either since they are for things they don't treat them for. I tole them I wanted to know!! So we will see!!

I felt like I was bring home a newborn again... I was looking forward to going back to normal life but nervous to have a (sick) baby at home. It felt good as hell to be home! Aryonna kept looking around!!! She loves looking at our living room clock. While we where in the hospital she would not look at the one there for nothing.... As soon as she spotted our clock she smiled and stared at it for a good 5 minutes!!!

Mommys rainbow (seeing me smile)

Over all Rainbow's was not all that it was cracked up to be. I was not thrilled with the amount of people who were training... and all the people who came in to see us wanting to do experimetal things to my sick baby that was not even to treat her. Some of the people looked like they were just released from prison and found a job there. The nurses would not listen when they messed up her charts and give her the wrong medications. They wouldn't answer the call button... OR they would come in turn it off and walk right back out like I pushed it for NOTHING!! One nurse kept taking Aryonna's blood pressure (or should I say TRIED), every time her foot looked like it was going to POP off. It turned purple and she would start crying. I had to take it off her once and told her not to "try" again. While we were there they had a fire drill... The freaking bug guy came in to spray the room! Who knows maybe I was just there during a bad time. But it was not as GREAT as I always heard it was supposed to be! There are a lot more things I could talk about but I need to tend to her now!

The view! The view! I know the parking garage retine and only been in it once! Too much board time on my hands!
The View!

Tick Tock

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I swear the last two months have flown by! I can not believe I'm already writing about Aryonna turning two months old! She is getting so big. I see the difference and I'm around her everyday.

She is lifting her head up like mini sit-ups and she is cooing and smiling like crazy! I love her little voice. It's the sweetest little sound ever! Every morning I wake up to a GREAT big smile! And that is awesome. She has a beautiful toothless smile! She don't like cuddling. She already thinks she is a big girl and wants you to help her stand up. Go figure, all my kids have been that way!

She still has acid reflux. Some days are better than others. We attempted to change her medicine and that was hell. Her eyes are still blueish so I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping they will be like Big sis Myah's! Wouldn't that be cool. Two brown eye parents having two blue eye girls! I see a few things here and there that she got from me but there is no doubt she looks like Daddy! But that's OK!! Plus I have a mini me already!!

This week she batted at her bouncy seat toy. Just once and she was like WOW how did I do that! Her thing the last several days is looking at the clock. She loves that thing!! She turns her head back & forth real fast if she can't see it. It's really funny!! I should try to catch it on video!!

Caleb & Myah adore her. Caleb is obsessed with her head & hair... lol just like Uncle! And just likes to be in her presents he likes to lay next to her in the floor! Myah loves when she coos, smiles or even just looks at her! She loves getting her attention and is dying to share her room with her lil sis!

She is awake a lot more these days. She takes several cat naps throughout the day but for the most part she's afraid she will miss something. If you see me in Walmart I most likely will be sportin my nosy 2 month old!! LOL

She still LOVES her swing. That is mostly were she sleeps. If you are looking for a stock to buy, get Duracell! Her swing sucks up a TON of them!! We spend as much in batteries as we do for diapers. I don't know what I hate changing more!!

Play Mate

Friday, March 6, 2009

Myah was playing with the baby a few minutes ago and it was cute. She was actually able to make Aryonna stop crying!!

Watch the videos below!

PS My youtube address is:
just incase anyone wanted to know or friend me!!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have the pretties little girl. But I'm pretty sure she is broken! She has acid reflux and she cries and spits up all the time. I feel bad for her since the crying is from her not feeling well. It seems like me & her change all the time now. Yuck!

Aryonna doing her thing...CRYING! [7 Weeks Old]

Her doctor put her on new medicine hoping it would make her perfect but it has not... it made things worse... A LOT WORSE!! This week on her new medicine has been horrible. She has cried and cried all week. If she's not sleeping she is crying and I am sooo tired from it! The crying sucks the energy right out of me. Hopefully we will get something new for her or atleast get her back on the last stuff! I feel bad for her and really can't take much more of the crying!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm not sure where the last month has gone but it's gone! Aryonna is already a month old (well in a few hours) I guess they really do grow up fast!

The weather sucks. I have not got to show her off to the world like I want to... There are still a lot of people that have not met her yet... I can't wait for Spring & Summer!!

I am trying to enjoy every moment of her being a baby! It's hard sometimes though... She cries a lot because she has acid reflux (another name for colic)

12:30 am is a tough time for David & I! This is when she starts crying for hours... Some nights she don't stop until 4:00! I feel bad for her when she is like that!

I love her dearly and the kids adore her too. They love spending time with her and like when they get to hold her!

And now we have THREE...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yvonne (Aunt) asked me to take a picture of the three kids together for her. And this is what we came up with!

It was a lot harder getting THREE kids to smile vs just Caleb and Myah! I was happy with it considering Aryonna isn't even 1 month old yet and it was taken in my dinning room!!

Baby Friends

Monday, February 2, 2009

Aryonna has a friend!

David's friend had a son two weeks before Aryonna was born. This is the first time they met. It was cute they just looked at each other! I bet in a few months they are crawling around playing with each other and getting into trouble together!!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

So maybe It happened completely out of order (the babies came first) BUT I am finally engaged to my best friend in the whole world!!

David and I are practically married as it is BUT now it will be the real deal now!! We are aiming for October this year!! Smile

Just thought I would share our great news!!

PS. Caleb and Myah are just as excited as we are!

10 Days Old

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's been COLD COLD COLD here. Today was only 1°.... brrr! Because of that I have not been able to show my baby girl off too much! The kids haven't been going to school either because of the cold... They have been out since Wednesday. So we have been one big happy family, confined to the house, with a crying newborn!!

Today Aryonna got her first bath! She spits up alot and it was nice to have a fresh clean baby!

She has been a HUGE cry baby! In the hospital she was really quite and good. Then after we got her home she has done nothing but CRY and SPIT UP.... Ugh I hate that! She wants to be held all the time (even when she sleeps).

The other day, I spend the day 'training' her to sleep in her bassinet/playard! Now I can sleep without worrying about dropping her or rolling over on her! The 3 of us have been sleeping downstairs since she has been born. It just easier on me not having to go up & down the stairs... Which I was told not to do anyway!! Plus it's warmer and the kids don't have to hear her non stop cries!

She is spitting up and crying alot. I can not wait to take her to her 2 week check up next week!! She hasn't seen her doctor yet. Our pediatrician don't have privileges at the hospital we delivered at... So we just saw the house doctors.

First thing I noticed...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

First thing I noticed when I saw Aryonna for the first time was her head full of dark hair (the reason mommy had heartburn!)...

She also looked like the Tin Man from the Wizard Of Oz! She was all silver... (lol)

Then her one eye opening and looking at me like she was studying me!! Then falling more in love with her than I already was!!

I just noticed this funny fact about her name. The meaning of her name is "silver"

Aryonna [a-ryonna, ar-yonna]
Meaning: "silver"
Origin: Welsh

I guess that means that name was meant to be hers!

She's Here!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mommy Hugs! missed you Aryonna!

I'm a proud mommy again...

My newest daughter was born early Tuesday, Jan 6th!! We named her Aryonna!

She weighted 7lbs 12oz and was 19" long! I almost ended up having a completely natural childbirth... Not by choose though!! I was ready to kill myself!! There where people getting c-sections that got priority before me. Aryonna is doing GREAT! I had alot of trouble after I had her and didn't see her again for a while. She ended up going to recovery and spending a while in the nursery before I was able to go upstairs to join her. I felt like shit and felt really bad for not being with my little girl the whole time... I even missed her first feeding. I was so sick I couldn't even nurse her so she ended up getting a bottle... And we missed her first bath. Although I wish they would have atleast let David go see her first bath. I think he was afraid to leave my side though.

Caleb and Myah finally got to come see her the last day we were in the hospital, as we were leaving. It kinda bummed me out they didn't get to some see her sooner. So I had David go pick them up so we all got to ride home as a family of 5!! That made day!! Both of them are in love with her and proud Big Brother and Big Sister!! Both of them are taking it really well!! Myah is a little jealous and is clingy to David!

Today I'm feeling better... still weak and worn out but starting to feel more like a new mommy does after giving birth!

Well gotta run now, Aryonna is starting to wake up!

Rambling (almost) 39 Weeks

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Well the end of this pregnancy is coming to an end soon! I'm now only 8 days away from my January 11th due date.

I have finished packing all of our bags. At least all that I can pack until the actual time comes! I have just a few little things that need a final tough done. I think we are just about as ready as we will ever be for our little one! Although I need to pick up a few last minute items... no big deal!

This time we decided I would let labor (hopeful) start on it's own instead of picking out our own date... Now that the time is here... it's hard because I'm so tired of pregnancy and ready to meet my little girl but I know the end results will make me much happier! Now that all the holidays (& birthday) are over I think maybe David and I will start our eviction process soon and not so much of the "taking it easy"!!

I'm excited to meet my little girl face to face and hold her in my arms! I'm anxious to see who she looks like... And stare at her chubby little baby parts! I'm dying to see what that little foot that keeps poking out of my side looks like (although we all know she most likely have Mommy's big feet!) I wonder what Caleb & Myah will think of her when they see her for the first time! I can't wait to see what her name will be and announce it to the whole world!!

I also have alot to complain about now days... I'm sore in places I didn't even know existed. Sitting hurts. Laying hurts. Standing hurts. Walking hurts. Everything hurts! Sleeping sucks, it's a joke trying to get comfortable. And this week I discovered putting on my socks is like running a marathon. David saw me struggling with my sock and felt bad so he put them on for me!! My shoes are too tight and my maternity clothes that swallowed me a few months ago don't cover my belly that is now the size of a house! I have completely given up on bending over now... I think you could compare that to cow tipping and me not getting back up!! My heartburn is comparable to the Flamethrower Commercial (click here to watch)! My belly is itchy and I swear I'm getting some new stretch marks. Although David swears they have always been there! (Poor guy don't know what to say anymore!)

Hopefully she comes sooner than later and I can announce my little girls arrival to all soon!!